We’re all guilty of it. Whether it’s at home, at work or at play, our posture is something that unfortunately gets overlooked time and again.

In 2020 and 2021 we saw the rise of make-shift desks thanks to the ‘work from home’ orders imposed across the nation. We also saw a steady increase in the amount of time we spent on our sofas. Leading to detrimental impacts on our posture. And in 2022, we’re still paying the price.

“Aches, pains and referred pain can all be a result of poor posture,” Osteopath Robin Kiashek says. “I’ve had people suffer from repetitive strain injury (RSI), headaches, migraines and even neck and shoulder problems. And, most of the time, it’s because of posture problems. But that’s not to say you can’t correct these .  All it takes is some awareness.”

Top tips for improving your posture

  1. Be aware of tech neck

Otherwise known as the 21st century curse of resting your chin on your chest while using your phone. We’re not suggesting you ditch your smartphone (although less screentime is something we could all do with).

But while you use your phone, ensure your lower back is properly supported, sit up straight when you’re tapping away on the sofa  and keep your chin up while you text.

  1. Get your work set up right

Neck pain is widely associated with badly positioned screens and looking down rather than straight ahead.  According to The Institute of Osteopathy, tight neck and upper back muscles, stiff joints, and trapped nerves are common effects of spending too long hunched over screens.  If left untreated, this can cause splintering pains through the shoulders and hands.

So, if you’re working from home or in an office:

  • Set the computer screen so that’s it at eye level
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor and try not to cross your legs.
  • Consider a wrist rest to keep your wrists straight and at the same level as your keyboard.
  • Use a headset if you use the phone a lot, rather than clamping the phone between your ear and shoulder.
  • Do some simple neck exercise through the day
  1. Invest in a good mattress

It’s been calculated that, on average, we sleep for a third of our lives (hopefully). So it’s worth doing your research to hunt out a great mattress.

“I’d suggest investing in a supportive mattress and a divan bed  – slats do not support your mattress let alone your back,” Robin says.

Ideally, the divan should not incorporate storage boxes as these lessen its effectiveness.

  1. Sofa time? Sit up straight

Think about the shape that your spine is in as you are sitting and adjust your position accordingly.

Keep your back straight and your head held high. “This will put your spine into a ‘neutral’ position that doesn’t strain it,” Robin adds.

You may find it helps to sit in a chair that gives you better support for your spine rather than a settee. Also, sit with your feet flat on the floor and the whole of your body facing forwards, from nose to toes.

  1. Take a break

Sitting at your desk is all well and good for getting your to-do list ticked off. However, your body is not designed to sit in one position for long periods.

Give it a rest by standing up and walking around for a few minutes, at least once an hour. Maybe get yourself a glass of water? That way when you come back to your desk you can reset your posture.

  1. Reconsider shoulder/messenger bags

They might look fashionable but carrying heavy loads in shoulder and/or messenger bags can cause an imbalance of weight on your spine. Robin explains: “If you lug around weighty items, like laptops and books, as a minimum, opt for a comfortable rucksack and be sure to use both shoulder straps. But ideally, do consider a rucksack with wheels.”

  1. Consider active or dynamic sitting

If you spend most of your day at a desk, we’ve written before about the benefits of Active or Dynamic Sitting.

This is where your seating allows or encourages you to move, increases your stability and strengthens your core abdominal muscles.  It’s a win win.

“There are lots of options on the market including the ‘Swopper Chair’, which I use myself,” Robin says.

If you are suffering pain or discomfort and you would like further information on how Robin may help you, or you would like to book an Osteopathy appointment get in touch.

A recent report by The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), found that rising NHS waiting times are prompting one in six to consider private healthcare if they have to wait longer than 18 weeks for care.

This is borne out by what experienced Osteopath, Robin Kiashek, is seeing in clinic.

Robin says: “I’m seeing an increasing number of patients who may not have previously considered paying for private Osteopathy.  But they are doing so now because the NHS waiting time they have been given is unacceptable to them.

In theory this should be good news for the NHS – pressure off lists.  And good news for the patient – quicker access to treatment.

Disgruntled patients

But not so much in practice.  The first thing that Robin must do is to unpick these patients’ disgruntled feelings around no longer being able to quickly and easily access treatment on the NHS for free.

Robin says: “I understand that this is a change to what we’re used to. But patients quite clearly feel aggrieved. Not at having to pay for my services necessarily but at having to pay for treatment that they believe should be free. And this manifests itself in two ways.  They are generally quite cross at our first consultation, and they believe that I should be able to ‘fix’ them in the minimum number of sessions. None of which is terribly conducive to their recovery.”

We’ve written before about the need to be a patient patient. Previously this centred around patients being reluctant to commit the necessary time to recovery.  Instead forging on with strenuous exercise programmes.  But now the focus is around a perception of value.

As Robin explains: “If an NHS therapist were to recommend six or eight sessions of therapy to bring you to recovery then I doubt many patients would ask if that could be achieved with less sessions.”

Robin tries to encourage patients to focus on what they are getting. Rather than where they feel they might be missing out.

Initial consultation

At an initial consultation Robin takes a detailed case history including full medical background, information about your symptoms, health problems and any medical care you have been receiving. This is usually followed by a physical examination,  You will be asked to undergo various movements in a bid to reproduce your symptoms. Robin will use a combination of visual analysis and touch (or palpation). He may also use orthopaedic tests and occasionally refer for further x-ray or MRI investigation to help form a diagnosis.

Follow up treatment

Once you have a diagnosis, Robin will provide a full explanation and treatment plan. A treatment will be included in the initial Osteopathic consultation, assuming it’s safe to do so.

Robin adds: “I take a more holistic approach when it comes to treating musculoskeletal disorders relating to muscles, ligaments, joints, nerves, cartilage, tendons and the general skeletal system. I’ll also identify underlying causative factors. So I can work with you to help heal your specific condition/s and work towards preventing this from reoccurring.”

And that’s not all

Robin generally spends around 45 minutes at an initial consultation and 30 minutes on follow up appointments. He can’t promise to run exactly to time but he’s not yet left a patient sitting in his waiting room long past their appointment time. And you get to see the same person – Robin – at every consultation. So there is excellent continuity of care.

The last word goes to Robin: “Patients who work with me are extremely kind with their positive feedback. I do understand that we’d all rather be able to access treatment quickly and for free on the NHS. But I believe that complementary therapists in the private sector have a vital role to play in healthcare in the 21st century.”

So, if you’re languishing on a waiting list or struggling with ongoing pain then please do get in touch.

Osteopathy has long been used to treat back pain. But for years, evidence of its effectiveness has been limited – until now that is.

According to the British Medical Journal (BMJ), there is now “promising evidence” that osteopathy may relieve musculoskeletal pain.  The review, published in the BMJ, saw researchers asses the safety and effectiveness of osteopathy for backpain.  To do so, they trawled through nine systematic reviews and meta analyses conducted between 2013 and 2020.  These involved 55 primary trials and 3740 participants.

The result?

Researchers concluded: “This overview suggests that [osteopathy] could be effective in the management of musculoskeletal disorders, specifically with regard to [chronic non-specific low back pain] and [low back pain] in pregnant women or [those who have just had a baby].”

Over the past 25 years, Osteopath Robin Kiashek, has treated hundreds of clients for backpain.

He said: “I’ve been working in this field for a long time.  I’ve seen first-hand the many benefits osteopathy can bring for those suffering with this often debilitating musculoskeletal problem.

“It’s promising to see researchers back up what many Osteopaths already knew – and further confirm that Osteopathy can help aid back pain.”

How can Osteopathy help back pain?

Unfortunately, back pain affects up to 80% of us at some point in our lives. It’s one of the most common reasons for workplace absence and the NHS spends more than £1 billion per year on back pain related costs.

But here’s the good news. At the Robin Kiashek Clinics, we aim to relieve pain and help strengthen the body, making it less susceptible to discomfort or injury.  Robin also tries to understand the lifestyle factors which may have contributed to the onset of pain.

“My range of gentle and effective treatments to relieve back pain includes manual Osteopathy, Western Acupuncture and Low-Level Laser Therapy,” Robin says. “Through these non-invasive methods and by working closely with your lifestyle, I can help minimise or even resolve symptoms and improve your overall health.”

And there’s back pain testimonials to prove this


Dr Nick Losseff, Consultant Neurologist, said: “As a medic I am luckily privy to insider knowledge on who the very best osteopaths are, which is how I got to see Robin. He resurrected my back after three months of agony and being unable to even sit down. His approach is totally holistic and perhaps most importantly he has taught me how to avoid future problems successfully. I recommend all my back pain patients to Robin.  He is a really great guy!”.

In fact that Dr Losseff also recently brought Robin onboard as part of a team assessing a complex, high profile case.

Another Consultant Neurologist, Dr Paul Jarman, said: “Robin Kiashek is my ‘go-to’ osteopath for my complex patients with neck and back problems. He combines excellent clinical care, effective treatment and a friendly approachable manner. He always communicates well with patients and the referring specialist. I would strongly recommend him to anyone in search of a first-class osteopath.”

While a third patient said: “I went to see Robin in his East Finchley “The Twyford Practice” with a bad lower back pain that left me unable even to walk properly. Robin was extremely professional and highly knowledgeable, with a friendly conversational manner that helped to put myself at ease at a time when I was suffering from quite a lot of pain.  He an excellent osteopath and a very nice person. Robin also treated me with an acupuncture and low level laser therapy, which helped a lot for my recovery. I would highly recommend Robin without hesitation.”

If you’re living with back pain, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

You might be wondering how ‘snorkels’ and ‘Osteopaths’ would ever appear in the same sentence. But having worked as an Osteopath for more than 25 years, Robin Kiashek is no stranger to looking at the bigger picture. Especially when it comes to the topic of health.

At Robin’s London clinics, one appointment could be spent tending to a patient’s chronic back pain. While the next could see him help long Covid patients using the Perrin Technique™.

“When you’re an osteopath, every day is different,” Robin says.

One case which shows the breadth and depth of an Osteopath’s skills was the case of Patient X – who reported a 40% improvement just one week after visiting Robin.


The problem

Patient X was referred to Robin by a neurologist.  They presented with intermittent nausea and feelings of constant imbalance. The patient also experienced daily headaches.


The medical history

Along with chronic lower back pain, Patient X has a history of tinnitus – a horrible ringing sensation in one both ears.

There was a history of imbalance which would last several minutes when open water swimming. So much so, Patient X would have to lift their head out of the water frequently to see where they were going.

“It would take a day for the patient to recover from the general sense of unwellness and dizziness,” Robin recalls.


The diagnosis?

Robin says: “I believe that Patient X’s imbalance resulted from sub-occipital vertebral artery compression.  Which can be exacerbated by cervical extension – as noted with open water swimming.

“The irritation of these nerves during cervical extension, can cause the diaphragm to contract,” Robin explains. “As the stomach sits superior to the diaphragm, any contraction of the diaphragm will cause undue pressure on the stomach, resulting in a sense of nausea.”


The treatment?

Robin focused on releasing Patient X’s mid thoracic misalignment, where cervical active movements emanate from, using gentle osteopathic technique.

He avoided direct treatment to the patient’s neck.  Instead, he used medical acupuncture to the trapezii region and to the right pelvic imbalance.

Robin also suggested that Patient X uses a snorkel and mask when swimming, to avoid cervical extension, and invest in a new pillow.


The progress speaks for itself

Just one week later, Patient X reported a general 40% subjective improvement.

“Patient X’s imbalance was no longer constant,” Robin says. “The patient also only experienced one headache. After buying a snorkel, mask and a new pillow – Patient X was left feeling a good deal better.”


If you are suffering with any kind of health problem, whether it’s headaches, stomach pains, or mobility issues, don’t hesitate to call Robin or book in for an initial consultation.

Osteopathy can help with many things. From lower back pain to frozen shoulder and arthritis to sporting injuries.

But, can osteopathy help with hip and knee pain? In a nutshell: yes, osteopathy can more than likely help with pain felt in this region, as it takes on a holistic approach when it comes to treating musculoskeletal disorders and the general skeletal system.

However, as we’ve spoken about before, pain felt anywhere in your body – including in your hip or knee – could be a case of referred pain.


What is referred pain?

Referred pain is pain felt in one area, that’s caused by pain or injury in another part of your body.

With the human body made up of 206 bones, 600 muscles, 900 ligaments and more than 80 billion nerve cells, plus the 12 major organs – it’s perhaps unsurprising that the symptom you present with, isn’t necessarily the cause of the issue.


Taking a holistic approach

Osteopath and Naturopath Robin Kiashek, who has more than 25 years’ experience in the sector, takes a holistic approach when dealing with clients.

“I believe in treating the person and not just the problem they present with,” Robin explains. “This helps me get to the root cause of the issue.”

Robin does so by taking a full history to build up a picture of his patient’s routines and habits to discover where things might be going awry.

“Take someone who is suffering with headaches or migraines,” Robin explains. “I would initially review any medical investigations previously undertaken and consider possible ‘red flags’ and if necessary, refer patients for appropriate investigations. After a comprehensive physical examination, I would quiz them about their sleeping pattern, how often they exercise, their stress load and their diet. All the above plays a part in how the body functions.”

And this is no different to knee or hip pain.


What causes hip and knee pain?

The causes of hip and knee pain are wide and varied. As stated by the NHS, hip pain could be caused by a sudden injury, joint hip fracture, bursitis, ‘snapping hip syndrome’ – to name a few or a longer-lasting problem, like arthritis. While knee pain could be a result of tendonitis, bursitis, a torn/stressed ligament or fascia, osteoarthritis, or a rheumatological condition.

One’s hip, knee and feet are thought of as a ‘closed chain’ – what affects one, will affect the other. Osteopathy can help in evaluating to what extent one’s knee pain and/or hip pain are inter-related.


How osteopathy can help with hip and knee pain

As confirmed by science, osteopathy can help to improve function and relieve pain in the knee. This was seen in a 2018 journal, where researchers concluded that an Osteopathic approach can be used to ‘complement conventional treatment’ of pain in the knee.

Treatment for hip and knee pain generally involves gentle osteopathic techniques, acupuncture, low level laser therapy or a combination of all three.

Robin explains: “Gentle osteopathic techniques can help to increase the mobility of the joints and relieve muscle tension. While low level laser therapy stimulates your cells to repair tissue and reduce inflammation and pain.

Acupuncture can help to enhance the blood supply to the tissues, which in turn promotes the body’s natural healing process.”

Plus, Robin can give you a list of gentle exercises to help aid the mechanics in your hip and strengthen and stretch the muscles in the area, whilst giving advice as to what to avoid and positive things to aid recovery.


If you are really struggling with knee and hip pain, book in an appointment with Osteopath Robin Kiashek to see if we can get to the cause of your discomfort and get you back on the road to recovery.

On World Sleep Day we thought we’d examine to link between poor sleep and weight gain.

Sleep isn’t what necessarily springs to mind when it comes to addressing weight issues.  Blame is much more likely to be laid at the door of diet and exercise.

But, according to the NHS, people who sleep less than 7 hours a day tend to gain more weight and have a higher risk of becoming obese than those who hit that 7 hours.

So why might that be?

  • Tiredness makes you crave sugar and stodgy comfort food.
  • It impacts your willpower to make healthy choices.
  • You are less likely to have the energy (or inclination) for exercise.
  • A lack of sleep has been found to trigger a rise in the hormone ghrelin (closely related to hunger) and prompt decreased levels of leptin (associated with feeling full). This can lead to increased hunger and appetite, which makes overeating more likely.

As we explored in a previous blog – tackling a patient’s weight is not an easy topic for any Practitioner.  But experienced Osteopath, Robin Kiashek, feels it would be remiss of him to treat a musculoskeletal issue without discussing body weight in situations where the patient is clearly heavier than is healthy.

Robin says: “Whatever the problem that brings a patient to my door, I always take time to explore their lifestyle.  It’s vital if I’m going to address the problem effectively at its root.  These conversations may reveal poor lifestyle choices around food and exercise or habits that are impacting on the patient getting a full night’s sleep.  It’s very easy to get into bad habits without necessarily realising the potential physical impact they can have.”

So, how can you improve your night’s sleep?

We’ve covered how a lack of sleep can negatively impact you.  But what can you do on a practical level to improve your slumber?  Robin has a few tops tops:

  • Don’t go to bed on a full stomach – avoid heavy or large meals within a few hours of bedtime. They can lead to discomfort and keep you awake.
  • Avoid alcohol before bed – initially it may make you sleepy but can cause wakefulness after a couple of hours and make it difficult to get back off again.
  • Stop the stimulants – caffeine and nicotine are best avoided in the run up to bedtime. The effects of caffeine can last for up to 8 hours, so that late afternoon coffee could be causing a problem.
  • Create a calm environment – cool, dark and quiet are the ideal elements to promote a good night’s sleep.
  • Develop a wind down routine – calming activities such as taking a bath, reading a book or performing relaxation techniques could all aid sleep.
  • Timing is key – try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day to reinforce your body’s sleep/wake cycle.
  • Power down – switch off computers and phones at least an hour before bed.

And don’t forget the bed

Of course, you can have the best sleep routine in the world but if you’re trying to get your shut eye on a saggy mattress or pull-out bed then you may continue to struggle. Obviously not everyone has the budget for a top-of-the-line sleep station, but it is worth considering:

  • Pillow perfection – make sure your pillow is the correct size and firmness for you. It should fit snuggly into your neck and shoulders so that it fully supports your head.
  • Check that mattress – the recommended lifespan of a mattress is eight years so it might be time for a trip to the shops.
  • It’s all about the base – your mattress of choice also needs support. Placing a mattress on slats will impact how long it lasts. Consider investing in a divan – which is itself sprung – as a base for your mattress.

If you are feeling the effects of lack of sleep or perhaps have a musculoskeletal issue that’s keeping you awake, then why not book an appointment with Robin?



You could be forgiven for thinking that working as a sole practitioner in Osteopathy is a lonely job. And for much of his day, experienced Osteopath, Robin Kiashek, is in individual patient consultations.  But that doesn’t make him a lone wolf!  In fact, during his 25+ years in practice he has built a network of valuable contacts and relationships with other medical professionals.

Part of a pack!

Which is particularly useful if he needs to refer a patient for further diagnostic tests.  Or get a valuable second opinion.

Equally, this wider network can (and does) also call on Robin’s skills.  Particularly around referred pain, the impact of stress and lifestyle on the body and understanding the root cause of an issue.  And this collaborative approach has certainly been in evidence in the past week.  As Robin explains:

“A Neurologist contacted me to see if I could be part of a multi-disciplinary team to review a very complex high-profile case.  Of course, I was delighted to be involved.”

The team comprised experts from several fields,  These included Neurology, Pain Management, Orthopaedics and Rheumatology.  This breadth of involvement and expertise was incredibly helpful.  It was immediately possible to see what had already been ruled out.

A new perspective

Luckily, Robin’s experience of working with complex cases – specifically those slow to respond to treatment  – enabled him to bring a new perspective to the process.  And he was delighted to subsequently receive an acknowledgement for his contribution from the Medical Director responsible for coordinating care.

Robin added: “It was so nice to be part of a wider collaborative team.  Also to have my contribution heard and valued by my peers.  I’m confident that our combined efforts will help towards a reduction in pain for this poor patient.”

Ask your Osteopath

When you choose an Osteopath, do ask about how and when they work with other professionals.  An open and collaborative approach can really enhance the care they provide.

As Robin says: “I am great fan of seeking out new opinions and working with others where necessary to provide the best outcome for my patients.

“Plus, whilst we professionals might like to pigeonhole issues under titles like Orthopaedics or Neurology, unfortunately humans are complex.  So, sometimes our issues need to sit across several disciplines if they are to be resolved effectively.”

If you’ve been struggling with an issue for a while, why not speak to Robin?  He can be contacted here. Or you can call 020 8815 0979.



Stress can have wide, varied and long-lasting impacts on the body. And in some cases, stress can manifest itself in the body physically.  When this happens, it can be described as a psychosomatic disorder.

Defining psychosomatic disorders

The word psychosomatic comes from the mind (psyche) and the body (soma). It’s classified as a disease which involves both the body and the mind.


For years, leading osteopath Robin Kiashek has believed that some physical diseases can be made worse – and sometimes even caused – by mental factors such as anxiety, stress and depression.


Robin says: “I’ve written before about the impact of stress on our bodies. The same can be said for grief and how our unresolved issues of an emotional nature can weigh us down. I’m already fascinated in how emotional issues and lifestyle factors can impact on our physical wellbeing and the direct correlation with disease.”


And there’s researchers who share this same train of thought.

The correlation between stress and disease


Dr Gabor Maté, who is one of the most celebrated physicians and the leading expert in the role the mind-body connection plays in illness and health, conducted a talk, looking into the correlation between stress and disease.


During his talk, Dr Maté explored the role that stress and emotions play in an array of common diseases, including that of arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and multiple sclerosis.

A growing pattern


As Dr Maté said: “In the 1930s and 40s the gender ratio of multiple sclerosis, which is an inflammatory degenerative disease of the nervous system was one-to-one.  In other words, for every man, there was a woman diagnosed.


“It’s now two-and-a-half women to every man. Now that immediately tells us it can’t be genetic because genes don’t change in a population over seven decades or even 10 decades or longer. It also can’t be diet because that doesn’t change in a population, and diet during that time didn’t change more for women than it did men. Nor can it be the climate. There is something going on. And whatever it is, it can’t just be biological.”


This point was further examined by talking about the medicine used to treat a range of symptoms. He said: “When you look at how you treat asthma to open up the airways and suppress the inflammation, you give inhalers or medication which are copies of adrenalin and cortisol.”

‘Is it possible that stress has something to do with it?’


Adrenalin and cortisol are the stress hormones in the body.

Dr Mate continued: “So we’re treating asthma with stress hormones. How do we treat multiple sclerosis?

“If you have a flare up, you are going to get an infusion of the stress hormone, cortisol. If you’ve ever been to a dermatologist with a skin flare up, some kind of chronic psoriasis or chronic eczema – most of the time you are going to get a steroid cream – a copy of cortisol.

“If you go to a Rheumatologist for inflamed joints or connective tissues, guess what they are going to give you? Steroids – cortisol. In all autoimmune diseases, I could go on. So, here’s the interesting question we’re treating all these conditions with stress hormones. But we’re not asking ourselves the simple question  – is it possible that stress has something to do with the onset of this condition?”.

The direct correlation between stress and disease is something Robin will be looking into as he embarks on a 20-week training course on this topic.

Robin adds: “I’ve always been interested in the link between stress and disease and how they go hand in hand. So, it will be interesting to delve deeper into this topic to discover some of the latest and cutting edge research on this topic. Watch this space!”.

The Connection Between Obesity and Back Pain

Here at the Robin Kiashek Clinics, we take a holistic view when it comes to assessing patients’ problems.

Yes, you might have come to the clinic to see , with over 25 years clinical experience, about your sore knee, headache or painful arthritis. But to give these persistent problems the boot once and for all, it’s important to identify the underlying, causative factors.

“Which is why I take a holistic approach when it comes to a diagnosis,” Robin says.

“It helps to identify some of the causative factors, which can often be multifactorial. This in turn enables my patients to work towards improving their overall health. As well as reducing the chances of the symptoms returning in future.”

Back to backs

One health issue, which presents in osteopathic clinics, is lower back pain. We’ve spoken before about how persistent and often debilitating this problem can be.


And although back pain can be caused by a range of issues including stress (physical and/or emotional),  a workplace accident, a sporting injury or sometimes being referred pain from another area of the body – it can also be exacerbated, if not caused, by obesity.


Defining obesity

The most widely used method to check if you’re obese, is by measuring your body mass index (BMI).


The NHS defines someone as obese if they have a BMI of 30 to 39.9. And if your BMI is above 40, the NHS classes this as being severely obese.


Tipping the scales on bad backs

Obesity is nothing new, the World Health Organisation (WHO), believes obesity levels have nearly tripled since 1975.  In England, according to a 2021 government report, it’s believed 28% of adults are now obese.


And along with obesity causing potential life-threatening conditions like type 2 diabetes, and coronary heart disease, studies state that it can also cause back problems.


The links between obesity and back pain

Robin says: “Much has been said about the undue stress that obesity places on the spine, back and pelvis. And from a statistical point of view, I think the facts speak for themselves.”

A 2010 review, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, assessed data from 95 different studies and came to the conclusion that the risk of lower back pain was related to an increase in BMI.

While a 2017 study came to a similar conclusion.


Those difficult conversations

Unfortunately, weight has become a rather taboo subject in society.  And this can make Robin’s job a little more tricky. He says: “As we’ve established, there is often a link between back issues and obesity.

“And, in order to treat mechanical issues, I need to identify any lifestyle and environmental factors that could be adversely affecting my patient’s health.  This not only helps me to treat the problem but also assists me in working with them to prevent reoccurrence.”

Of course, sometimes these conversations can be difficult, and they may bring up a range of emotional issues.  It is at these times that Robin is able to draw on his expertise in allied therapies such as Life Coaching and NLP and Autogenic Training to help patients optimise their physical and mental wellbeing.


How osteopathy can help with back pain

If you are suffering with back pain, please do have your problem area checked out to determine the underlying cause and any contributing factors.

Osteopathic treatment can help with some of the structural issues causing lower back pain, whilst perhaps guiding the patient to make more long-term changes in lifestyle factors,” Robin says. “It can do this through the use of soft tissue stretching, joint manipulation and the likes of resisted isometric muscle energy stretching.

“Patients want to know firstly what has caused their pain and whether they will get better.  My task as an osteopath is to understand both the short-term and in some cases, long-term factors which have contributed to the patient’s condition,” Robin says.


If you’re looking to take a holistic approach with your health worries, get in touch with Robin.

Well, we’re almost through the first month of 2022. I do hope that the year has been kind to all so far.  Much to my surprise, I find myself entering 2022 as a Peloton owner.  So, how did I arrive at static cycling?

Not fit for purpose

For many years, my exercise regime has consisted of regular cycling and swimming. I could be found in the pool at least three times a week doing my 60 lengths. But ironically, I overlooked the fact that what may have been ideal in exercise terms 20 years ago was potentially not quite right as I matured!  As a result, I managed to pick up a nasty knee injury. And, of course, I then continued to ignore my own advice and not take the appropriate time and patience to recover properly.  So, I started the year needing a drastic rethink!

I’m sure I’m not the only one responding with a raised eyebrow to the increasingly frequent Peloton adverts (other bikes are available!).  For me, exercise is important to maintain both physical and mental fitness. But I am far from being a zealot! The motivational shout outs from Lycra clad instructors and opportunities to high 5 others within a static cycling “community” left me rather cold!

Static cycling convert

But, what static cycling does provide is the opportunity to ease into exercise – or the return to it – in a measured and manageable fashion.  It can be low impact and you can stop at any time.  Plus, it doesn’t have to cost a fortune.  There are numerous options available, from the serious investment to the DIY home conversion kit.  If the latter is something that appeal then this is a useful article about what’s available.  And there are a variety of Apps that provide access to classes.

Despite some misgivings, I decided to take advantage of a New Year sale (and the fact that availability was temporarily improved in the wake of Big’s death) and opt for a Peleton.  And I’m delighted to report that there’s so much more to it than personal bests, fisting pumping and high fiving.  All of which can be extremely motivational to others I do accept!

I’ve discovered the opportunity to ‘cycle’ some beautiful routes.  Highway 101 (pictured) and different parts of Iceland being personal favourites.  The screen provides the scenery and I‘ve found it surprisingly easy to lose myself in the experience and the new sights.

So what’s the moral of this tale?

As with all good tales, there are several:

  • Now that we ‘ve got all the New Year’s Resolution business out of the way, it’s a good time to reassess your exercise regime. Is it still fit for purpose and fit for you?
  • Be open – both to new exercise regimes and to new experiences in general. I’m very pleased that I managed to set aside my irritation at the thought of group exercise from home!
  • Peleton – could we have an advert that leads on the opportunity for scenic solitary rides for those of us less invested in being part of a pack?

I’d be interested to hear from other Peleton owners and static bike users.  All recommendations for scenic rides (and maybe even the odd class) gratefully received.  But probably not with a high five!